Statement of Faith & Practice
Spring 2025
Statement of Faith
We believe in…
- the Bible: the inspiration of the original texts, its preservation by God for us, its authority over our lives
- one God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son–Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit
- the creation of man by the direct act of God
- the depravity of man because of sins and his sin nature
- the person of Jesus Christ: His deity, His virgin birth, His sinlessness, His atoning work on the cross, His bodily resurrection from the tomb, and His ultimate return for His saints
- salvation of man by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone apart from human works
- the eternal security of the believer and the eternal doom of the unbeliever
Statement of Practice
ECS stands firm upon fundamental Bible principles and practice.
We reject …
- humanistic philosophy
- worldly practices such as abortion/euthanasia and sexual sins
- the falsely-called science of evolution
- the position of liberal Christianity that questions or denies the articles in our statement of faith
- the compromise of the New Evangelical and Neo-Orthodox movements
- the practice of the modern Charismatic movement (tongues and healing)
ECS practices Biblical training and institutional discipline of students while recognizing the ultimate responsibility and authority of parents for their children.
Purpose Statement
We exist to develop students into the image of Jesus Christ in order to prepare and equip them for a lifetime of service to the Lord in whatever vocation God directs their lives. In essence, we desire to prepare disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our primary goal is to develop the whole child by promoting his spiritual and moral growth, intellectual and academic progress, physical development, and social development. Our secondary goal is to provide students with a sound education anchored in a Biblical worldview that prepares them academically to excel in their studies through high school and college.